All in all, how satisfied are you with this year’s first edition of EWIP? dissatisfied *************** very satisfied Which industry sector did you represent? ArtistWorld SalesDistributionProducerFinancierFestival DelegateFilm enthusiastFilmfestival CologneInstitutionPartnerOther What was the main reason you attended EWIP Project presentationFinding partners and projects to collaborateNetworkingPartner of EWIPMainly for industry event; participation in panel discussion (EAVE, Case Study, MEDIA Selective)Promoting products and servicesOther How would you rate the quality of the selected projects? low *************** high Comment Was the event well organized? If not, what were you missing? What needs improvement? not well *************** very well Comment Any comments on food, accommodation, procedures, services? bad *************** great Comment What were your expectations? Please describe in key words What can be improved in regard of the one-to-one-meetings? Has EWIP opened up new opportunities for you or your company/project? Could you please specify? Were you able to connect with potential partners and/or close any deals? yes yesno no Comment How would you rate the quality of the accompanying events (panels, party) low *************** high Comment Were there other topics that you would have had interest in being addressed? no *************** yes Comment How did you like the location (MAKK)? bad *************** great Comment Was there enough space for informal communication? too few *************** well enough Comment How would you rate the technical quality of the projection? low *************** high Comment Please feel welcome to list your ideas for improving the event. Your Name/Institut (optional) Please prove you are human by selecting the car.