Your name* Your e-mail* Company name 1. Which industry sector do you represent? [select Which_industry_sector_did_you_represent “Producer” “Director” “Distributor” “World Sales Agent” “Festival Delegate” “TV-Broadcaster” “Financier” “Post-Production Services” “Institution” “Partner” “Cinephil” “Other” default:1] 2. What was your main reason to attend this year’s EWIP? 3. What were your expectations and were they met? 4. How satisfied were you with the location(s), catering, accommodation? not much *************** very much Any comments? 5. How would you rate the organisation of the event? confusing *************** well organised Any comments? 6. How would you rate the quality as well as the diversity of the selected projects? low *************** high Any comments? 7. How did you perceive the quality of the pitching sessions and the Q&A’s (quantity, length, moderation)? [select how_did_you_perceive_the_quality_of_the_pitching_sessions “well-balanced” “too long” “too short” “other” default:1] Any comments? 8. What is worth keeping and what needs improvement? 9. In which way(s) has EWIP opened up new opportunities for you or your company/project? Please specify: 10. Were you able to connect with potential partners/participants you were interested to meet? yes yesno no Any comments? 11. How would you rate the quality of the accompanying programme (topic, speakers)? low *************** high Are there other topics you would have liked to be discussed? Please share your ideas with us: 12. What is your overall resume of European Work in Progress Cologne 2022? dissatisfied *************** very satisfied 13. Would you recommend EWIP to your colleagues? yes yesno no 14. Last but not least, we would appreciate if you sent us a short statement why EWIP is important to you as a platform and which we are allowed to publish on our website and in social media: Thank you for taking the time!